HAIR: WHAT YOU SHOULD KNOW — Carpal Tunnel Synrome
HAIR BRUSH STORIES BLOG: Another great reason to use a HOTHEADS Hair Brush.
Arthritis in Hands Better Balance Reduced Fatigue Carpal Tunnel Synrome Healthy Hair How to eliminate static Paddle Brush Tendinitis
HAIR BRUSH STORIES BLOG: Another great reason to use a HOTHEADS Hair Brush. HAIR BRUSH STORIES Another great reason to use a HOTHEADS® Hair Brush for styling and detangling. QUESTION: Jamie: " I have a really hard time doing my hair. Both my hands have Tendonitis and Carpal Tunnel I have Arthritis as well. I thought this might help me to be able to style my hair." Our Reply: " Thank you for your inquiry we have had some positive feedback from users on the comfort and ease of use of these brushes." After sending...