Bristle Material
BOAR BRISTLE and URTHEONE BRISTLE brushes are for those who are looking for SHINY, HEALTHY, MANAGEABLE HAIR. The structure of a boar brush has a core of wood or other materials used as the backbone with bristle tufts inserted into either straight rows or cork screwed at various degrees of twist this helps create better ease of use, smoothness, volume and shine.
What to look for in a boar bristle brush. 90% of the performance is in the bristles mix, quality and pattern.
NATURAL BOAR BRISTLES come in different lengths, diameters, and stiffnesses and qualities of boar bristles this is why some are more expensive than others.
Tuft Shape
If the tuft of boar bristles are flat, dense, and straight they will give you less grip and less tension therefore are more suitable for fine or fragile hair.
Tuft spacing is also important, the closer the tufts are the less grip you will experience, when there is more space between tufts it's easier for the hair to settle into the tufts, creating more grip for smoothing.
REVERSED V shape of tufts of boar bristles allow the hair to penetrate the bristles more easily, giving you more grip and tension when required. This is more suitable for thicker coarser hair for easier styling options.
Urtheone a term used to describe natural boar and nylon mix, this description is used when a nylon bristle is added to the tuft of boar bristles for more control, penetration, or stiffness is required.
There are many configurations of straight and cork screwed bases to consider when choosing the right brush.
Straight rows of bristles in a paddle, rectangular or round brush are generally used for smoothing hair. Corkscrew rows of bristles are generally all purpose, as they create everything from curls, mega volume to smoothing making this bristle pattern brush multi purpose. When winding the hair around a cork screwed patterned brush the hair becomes fuller increasing the volume.
Boar bristles do not melt but may burn, unlike nylon but may flatten when excessive heat and tension are applied while styling, though this can be easily fixed. By washing your brush with a low Ph shampoo and then using a low Ph conditioner, rinse well then let the brush rest on a towel to dry. The natural boar bristles should spring back to their original shape. Repeat if required. Please view.
If your boar bristles look burnt this is an indication your hair dryer is probably too hot or the filter needs cleaning. This may also be caused by how you position your hair dryer nozzle when blow drying as this may result in spot burning. Pull back the nozzle from the brush, never place the nozzle directly on the hair on a brush. Spot burning will occur, you’re not drying your hair you’re just choking the hair dryer making it hotter.
A HOTHEADS® hairbrush with boar and nylon bristles 3D BRISTLE PATTERN® allows you to adjust the tensions for more manageable styling options. The results are superior with these types of brushes.