HAIR: WHAT YOU SHOULD KNOW — fine fragile hair

The Science behind the Balance and Weight of a hair brush

3D BRISTLE PATTERN™ Boar Bristle Brush Boar bristle Brushes Detangling Wet or Dry easy to use ergonomics fine fragile hair Fine hair Less Fatigue

The Science behind the Balance and Weight of a hair brush

I like LIGHT or I like HEAVY we all have our favorite styling brushes. Today many stylist's need more than one round brush and one of the most important features not acknowledged is the weight. When your working with long curly hair it makes sense to have a brush with weight to off set the energy of the curl resulting in less pulling and stress for the stylist creating a smooth finish. Consider coarse curly long hair, to be straightened this is usually achieved with a larger diameter brush 70mm /2 3/4 " and a weight of 150g proves to be...

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